29 Apr 2012

2PM’s Wooyoung celebrates his 23rd birthday and twitter wishes from 2pm member

Today is 2PM member, Wooyoung‘s birthday!
On April 30, Wooyoung celebrated his birthday and uploaded a couple of photos onto his Twitter.  ”Thank you Thank you Thank you ^^ to all those, who congratulated my birthday“, he tweeted.
It seems like yesterday, when 2PM made their debut in 2008 with their first track, “10 out of 10“.  Time sure flies, doesn’t it?
It looks like Wooyoung got treated with lots of goodies, as he blew out candles from a fruit cake and…. a HamChoco (Hamburger + Choco Pie) cake?
Fans and Followers congratulated him with, “Wow your birthday cake looks delicious“, “Happy Birthday“, and “Ah~ So cute <3“.
2PM member twitter wishes
taecyeon:  우영아~ 미안하고, 사랑한다ㅋㅋㅋ 알라뷰~ㅋㅋㅋ
[TRANS] wooyoung ah~ sorry, love you 
Junsu:동생 장 우영이의 생일을 축하합니다!
[TRANS] younger brother wooyoung happy birthday!

Source + Photos: 2PM Wooyoung’s Twitter

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